Young and Innocent (1937) is a suspenseful British thriller directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film follows a young man, Robert Tisdall (Derrick De Marney), who is wrongfully accused of murder after a woman is found dead at a seaside hotel. He discovers that a crucial piece of evidence, a coat with a unique tear, could clear his name, but the real killer remains at large. As Robert attempts to prove his innocence, he is aided by the hotel manager's daughter, Erica (Nova Pilbeam), who believes in his innocence. The two embark on a tense, fast-paced search for the true murderer, all while evading the police and uncovering dark secrets. Young and Innocent combines Hitchcock’s signature suspense with light-hearted moments, offering a gripping exploration of innocence, justice, and mistaken identity.
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Links | Quality | Language | Player | Date Added |
1080p | english | MusicBee | 2021-11-28 | |
800p | english | 5KPlayer | 2021-11-25 | |
720p | English | MediaMonkey | 2021-11-20 |
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