Impact (1949) is a gripping film noir directed by Arthur Lubin. The story follows Walter Williams (Brian Donlevy), a successful businessman who survives a murder attempt orchestrated by his unfaithful wife, Irene (Helen Walker), and her lover. Walter is left with severe facial injuries, which lead him to be mistaken for a stranger when he is found alive. As he seeks revenge and tries to uncover the truth behind the attempt on his life, Walter’s investigation takes him down a path of deception and betrayal, all while grappling with his own moral struggles. With tense, atmospheric storytelling and strong performances, Impact is a classic example of post-war noir, focusing on themes of revenge, guilt, and redemption.
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Links | Quality | Language | Player | Date Added |
1080p | english | MusicBee | 2021-11-28 | |
800p | english | 5KPlayer | 2021-11-25 | |
720p | English | MediaMonkey | 2021-11-20 |
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