House on Haunted Hill (1959) is a classic horror-thriller directed by William Castle. The story revolves around eccentric millionaire Frederick Loren (Vincent Price), who invites five strangers to spend a night in a supposedly haunted mansion. Offering $10,000 to anyone who stays until morning, Loren's twisted "party" is filled with eerie surprises, including locked doors, ghostly apparitions, and deadly secrets. As tensions rise, the guests uncover sinister motives, question each other's intentions, and face the terrifying events unfolding in the mansion. Filled with atmospheric chills and shocking twists, House on Haunted Hill is a quintessential haunted house film that has become a cult favorite for its macabre humor and suspenseful storytelling.
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Links | Quality | Language | Player | Date Added |
1080p | english | MusicBee | 2021-11-28 | |
800p | english | 5KPlayer | 2021-11-25 | |
720p | English | MediaMonkey | 2021-11-20 |
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